Items listed on the report page indicate that a record has been created in the document management system (DMS) and a corresponding image has not yet been matched to that record. Scans are interfaced to the document management system every 10 minutes. At your earliest convenience, please confirm you have executed the LVDMS image watch utility. If necessary, please either rescan the appropriate invoice(s) or manually upload the scan via the exception report page.

Please verify after 10 minutes that all exceptions have been remediated. For proper recognition of bar codes, please do not place them within one inch of the edge of the invoice. Bar codes should be placed at a 90 degree angle either horizontally or vertically and not diagonally.

For technical assistance please contact support at (919) 455-2323 or online at For additional information, please consult the Document Management System "How to Guide" on the Intranet.

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